7 Things All Men Need To Understand

Jan 13, 2024

There are universal principles that if all men followed, their life would improve drastically.

Some of these things you can do, others take time to understand and refine.

All of them lead to you being a better man.

Reflect on them one-by-one and let me know what you think...

Your Body is the Transmission

Everything you do with your body is either building or destroying trust.

The way you breathe.

The way you walk.

Your posture.

The tone of your voice.

How you hold a gaze.

All of it is impacting how people feel around you, whether you’re aware of it or not.

This is why women get “bad vibes” from some strangers and are magnetized by others.

If you want to be trusted, you must become acutely aware of what you’re transmitting through your body in every moment.

A man who is firm-footed, moves through the world with purpose, head held high, breathes deep and fully, and who’s gaze is strong and penetrating is a much more trustable man than the one who breathes shallow, averts his gaze, and is unaware of his energetic impact on his surroundings.

If you want to exude confidence, power, and presence - learn the art of body language and practice bringing more integrity into how you move through the world.

Spend Time in Solitude Regularly

“Still waters harbor great depths. Still minds, great wisdom.”

The most productive, creative, and healing times in my life have always come during prolonged periods of solitude.

Whether it’s spending time in nature, on silent meditation retreat, or in the comfort of one's own home - all men need to spend prolonged periods of time resting in a space of no demand.

The masculine at its core is consciousness. If we want the world to feel us in our full power, we must regularly practice connecting to our core energy.

We must carve out time in our lives free of distractions, notifications, work, family, and anything else that keeps us trapped in the chaos of day-to-day living.

Men realized this truth thousands of years ago - it’s why enlightened men from every religious sect leave society for years to meditate in sacred temples.

These men committed their lives to exploring the deepest truths that reside within.

By doing this, they’re able to return to regular life with cutting clarity and discerning wisdom.

If you’re feeling lost, in the middle of a big transition, or not sure what to do next, don’t seek more information.

Avoid the tendency to “do something” to “fix it.”

Instead, retreat to somewhere quiet and listen.

If you make this a regular practice, you will lead your life from your deepest core, and what needs to happen next will naturally arise in your consciousness.

Take Care of Your Health Before Everything Else

Growing up, I was always one of the skinniest kids.

Though I hit the gym throughout my early 20’s, it wasn’t until my early 30's that I started actually looking physically strong.

As soon as I had some notable size on my frame, people started relating to me differently.

Men respected me more, women were more attracted to me, and I started getting more attention in general.

If a man can’t lead himself and his own health, how could he possibly be an influence on others?

If you’re not in excellent physical shape, that should be your first priority.

When it’s clear that a man takes care of his body, the one thing he has complete autonomy and responsibility over, then he instantly is exalted into a higher level of respect.

In a world where it is easier to be fat, sick, and lazy than it is to be healthy - physical prowess is respectable.

It energetically communicates “I give a fuck about myself and I treat my body with a high level of integrity.”

Every single human being is understands what it costs to have a vibrant, healthy body.

That fact alone garners instant respect.

A Man's Purpose Is to Bring More Truth to the World

I learned very on in my life that if whatever I’m working on isn’t bringing more truth into the world, it’s absolutely pointless.

When I was in my late teens and early twenties I had a number of different jobs that were enjoyable and lucrative, but ultimately left my depressed and unsatisfied.

Even though I made hundreds of thousands of dollars in my early 20’s, and I could live a lavish lifestyle travelling, eating well, driving a nice car, and partying - I wasn’t happy.

That’s because the way I was making money wasn’t aligned with truth.

It didn’t contribute to bringing more consciousness into the world.

When a man is in his masculine, he cannot settle for making a money in a way that is out of integrity with the core of who he is.

If he does this for too long, he will inevitably end up sabotaging his life through addiction and mindless consumption, or inevitably create a mess that destroys his career.

An integral man’s purpose is to make a living in a way that is fully aligned with who he is and brings more truth and consciousness into the world.

Without this, he will always be dissatisfied, no matter how successful he is.

The Feminine Brings the Party, The Masculine Brings the Depth

In the world of polarity, the feminine brings the party and the masculine brings the depth.

Every moment in your life is an opportunity to deepen the experience for yourself and others. The great feminine yearns to feel the part of you that takes an experi

ence from light and playful to deep and profound.

If you’re at a party, what can you do to take it beyond the superficial and into the real?

When you’re out for dinner on a date, how can you take the conversation from surface level to deeply revealing and intimate?

Maybe it’s stopping to lead a meditation while hiking with your friends.

Maybe it’s asking her a vulnerable question no one has ever asked her before.

If you want to be felt as a powerful masculine leader - ask yourself, “What would deepen this moment?” as you go throughout your day.

When your masculine presence gifts takes people they would normally never lead themselves, you will be known as a man who makes even the most mundane experiences in life absolutely unforgettable.

Learn From Great Men of the Past

A few years ago I got caught up following a few dozen “masculinity” accounts on Twitter and Instagram who all recycled the same bullshit about what it means to be a man.

Most of these accounts are likely run by some fat beardneck who talks about lifting weights and quitting porn while living in his mom's basement surrounded by crusty socks.

Those random accounts don’t inspire me to be a better man - reading about legendary heroic men of the past does.

Every time I read a book about a man who changed the course of history, I want to get up off my ass and make shit happen.

Stop reading threads and faceless accounts and start reading historical accounts of men who were actually in the arena of life, not hiding behind a computer typing out dogmatic ideologies.

The fundamentals of what makes a great man hasn’t changed in thousands of years, and your better off reading old books such as Meditations by Marcus Aurelius or the biographies of Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great than the musings of some clown who talks about llamas and seed oils.

Wake Up Early & Stack Wins

When I was farming I would wake up at 5 AM every morning to tend the fields. By noon, I had already accomplished a full days work while others were just getting going.

These periods of my life where I consistently woke up early and got after it were my most productive, accomplished, and happiest.

Men who live epic lives are universally early risers. It has been this way for millennia.

These men understand that waking up early and stacking wins sets the precedent for the rest of their day.

Even if you have no reason to get up early, build this habit now.

As you get older, your life only gets more complicated - between relationships, family, and work you will quickly realize there isn't a lot of time for yourself.

That’s why it’s important to set the foundation now - treat the morning as a sacred hour for you to develop your body, mind, and spirit.

No matter how late you go to sleep, wake up at the same time every single day.

Yes you will be tired.

Yes you will start going to bed earlier.

But if you do this consistently, not only will you accomplish more, but your energy levels and self respect will go through the roof.

- Evan