Thirteen Pines is a movement dedicated to living a life of integrity and sacred masculine leadership. We offer a path that embraces men for who they are while holding them to the vision of who they could be. Thirteen Pines blends the ancient with modern. We walk the middle way. We believe it is not about one man doing his work, but all men doing the work for every man.



 Allan McGrath is an intimacy mentor who guides men and women to embody the teachings of sacred intimacy. For almost a decade, he has dedicated himself to facilitating the evolution of men through embodied masculinity, finding a higher purpose and unlocking sexual power. He leads women through their journey of feminine embodiment, sexual yoga and the art of intimacy. He works with couples on deepening their connection through polarity and relational intimacy practices in his workshops, trainings & 1-1 coaching.



Chris spent a decade building multiple successful businesses, until a stress-induced brain injury put his entire life on hold. While healing, Chris developed a mindfulness practice and began to reassess the life he wanted to live. He spent the next 8 years accumulating thousands of hours of experience in emotional healing, trauma facilitation, breathwork, relational coaching, and leadership development. He has worked with over 2000 clients in physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual development.



Nic is a transformative coach and facilitator specialising in men's work, rites of passage, relationships, intimacy, and plant medicine. Following the breakdown of his marriage, he embarked on a 3.5-year journey of healing and self-discovery. During this time, he explored various transformative modalities, including tantra, neo-tantra, plant medicine, breath work, meditation, traditional indigenous initiation and men's work. These experiences led him to recognise the importance of addressing the wounded masculine in society. His work is dedicated to empowering individuals with clarity, purpose, authenticity and connection.



The sun was slowly setting on day two of my fast when I saw it. Sitting in my power spot, an old stump of a pine tree blackened by fire and time, I cried out once again for a vision.
Praying aloud, I asked Spirit to send me a sign, something to show me what I was here for. As if in answer to my hearts prayer, a gust of wind passed through the forest around me like a deep breath. The wind animated the trees in front of me, bringing life to their still repose and clarity to my sight.

Like waking up in a dream, I saw it clearly now. 5 pines stood like sentries to my right, 4 stood to my left, and 3 ancients stood at the end, reverential and stoic.

What I had thought was just a random grouping of trees around me revealed their deeper form: 12 trees arranged like a great counsel. Suddenly, I no longer felt alone. These 12 trees had heard my every word, spoken and unspoken. They had watched silently as tears of lament and of love passed my cheeks. They stood equanimously as fear racked my bones and as courage found its footing. These trees had been with me the whole time, both allies and ancestors in my quest. With these twelve trees before me, I realized now that my power spot was not just any stump. It was the thirteenth pine in the counsel.

My spirit swelled as I opened my arms in awe & gratitude. I felt that I could bring anything here and that this counsel of ancients would hold me in all of it. In my heart sprung up a yearning for every man to know this level of support I felt now in my soul. I wanted every man to feel what it was like to bring his deepest heart to bear in front of others, to trust them with the very essence of his life.

A vision sprang forth in me. A movement of men, supporting each other to reach the greatness of their life’s vision, just as these trees had supported me. I pulled out my journal and scrawled down my inspirations. But I knew this was not meant to be done alone. This wasn’t for the lone wolf. This needed the power of many men. And it needed to be spearheaded by four. They came to mind instantly… Upon returning from my fast, Nic, Evan, Chris & I gathered in west Texas for a weekend. On the first evening, I shared with them this story I just now shared with you. I could see the light of aligned truth spark like lightning in their eyes. They all had secreted in their own heart a similar dream. This wasn’t just one man’s vision; this was all of ours. We had all in our own way desired to create it, a movement of men that would leave a lasting legacy of greatness. With the vision transmitted, every man rallied around it, each seeing his own unique destiny in its reflection.

We left that weekend sure of its strength, dedicated and committed to seeing it through. The fire grew. Slowly… the vision came to life.

- Allan McGrath




The idea for the Thirteen Pines logo came on the third day of a Sun Dance that Nic and Chris participated in 2023. (The Sun Dance is a native American prayer and initiation, where participants dry-fast for four days, whilst dancing and praying under the sun.)

Dehydrated, hungry and tired, Nic was sketching ideas based on ancient runes.

Runes are characters from ancient alphabets, primarily used by Germanic tribes in Europe from approximately the 3rd to the 13th centuries. Runes were not only used for writing but also had ritualistic and magical purposes. They were inscribed on various materials like wood, stone, and metal and are often associated with divination and mysticism in modern times.

The final result is what came from that prayer. 

Click each image below to learn more about what each rune symbolizes.


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